تداول الأسهم

تداول الأسهم

استثمر في الأسهم

تداول الأسهم

تداول أكثر من ١٠٠ عقد مقابل الفروقات للأسهم على منصتنا السريعة والآمنة والموثوقة. استفد من الهوامش الضيقة والسرعة الفائقة للحصول على تجربة تداول سلسة.

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الأسهم مع EZInvest؟


الأسهم الشعبية من أكبر الأسواق


هوامش ضيقة


 تنفيذ سريع وموثوق

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تداول الأسواق مع EZInvest

لقد صممنا منصة تعليمية قوية شخصية او عبر الإنترنت و التي ستساعدك على أن تصبح متداولًا فعالاً. جمع كل المكونات معًا بالطريقة الصحيحة سيساعدك على تجنب الكوارث وتحسين نتائجك٠

FAQ about Stocks

A stock or share is a financial instrument that represents ownership in a company or corporation and a proportionate claim on its assets and earnings. Stock traders buy and sell stocks to capitalize on daily price fluctuations.

With EZInvest, buying stocks is really easy. You log in to your account, search for the shares you would like to trade, insert the number of shares you wish to buy, and click buy or execute the buy order, as a real trader would say. After buying the shares you need to follow your investment plan or strategy. You can plan to hold the shares for a long time or sell them immediately, once you see some increase in their price. Some traders can set the target price at which they want to sell the share with a profit or use the stop-loss to set a price at which they want to sell the share to avoid further losses.

The regular trading hours for the U.S. stock market (including the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq) are from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time on weekdays. But sometimes trading can also occur outside normal stock market hours.
Regarding their market performance, some stocks receive a blue-chip status, typically a status earned by businesses that perform the strongest in the market.


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Based on your selection you will register for an account with Sanus Financial Services which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Securities Conduct Authority (FSCA), South Africa.
Sanus Financial Services falls outside the European regulatory framework and is not in scope of(among others) the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive(MiFiD) II. In addition, there is no provision for an investor compensation scheme.

Before you proceed, please confirm that the decision was made independently and at your own exclusive initiative and that no solicitation or recommendation has been made by Sanus Financial Services or any other entity within the group.

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